Sabiel Suprastyo, , Indonesia


Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya penguasaan kompetensi- kompetensi sebagai guru pemula saat pelaksanaan PPL. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan mahasiswa Prodi PJKR FIK UNY angkatan 2013 tentang kompetensinya sebagai guru pemula.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Prodi PJKR FIK UNY angkatan 2013 yang berjumlah 125 mahasiswa. Analisis datadalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tanggapan mahasiswa Prodi PJKR FIK UNY angkatan 2013 tentang kompetensinya sebagai guru pemula berada pada kategori sangat baik sebesar 4% (5 orang), baik sebesar 18,4% (23 orang), cukup baik sebesar 27,2% (34 orang), kurang baik sebesar 43,2% (54 orang) dan tidak baik sebesar 7,2% (9 orang) Kata kunci: tanggapanmahasiswa Prodi PJKR FIK UNY, kompetensi guru pemula. Abstract The research background is the lack of the mastery of competencies as novice teachers during the teaching practicum. This study aims to find out the responses of students of the Study Program of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation (PEHR), Faculty of Sports Science (FSS), Yogyakarta State University (YSU), of the 2013 admission year to their competencies as novice teachers. This was a quantitative descriptive study. It used the survey method in which the data were collected by a questionnaire. The research subjects were students of the Study Program of PEHR, FSS, YSU, of the 2013 admission year with a total 125 students. The data were analyzed by the quantitative descriptive technique.The results of the study are as follows. Regarding the responses of students of the Study Program of PEHR, FSS, YSU, of the 2013 admission year to their competencies as novice teachers, 4% (5 students) have very good responses, 18.4% (23 students) have good responses, 27.2% (34 students) have fair responses, 43.2% (54 students) have rather poor responses, and 7.2% (9 students) have poor responses. Keywords: responses of students of the Study Program of PEHR FSS YSU, novice teachers competencies

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