Kemampuan One Hand Set Shoot Dengan Jump Shoot Terhadap Efektifitas Mencetak Skor Dalam Permainan Bola Basket di SMA N 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo

Ahmad Rifki Nur Rahim, , Indonesia


Abstrak Penguasaan teknik atau kemampuan one hand set shoot dan jump shoot peserta ekstrakurikuler bolabasket putra SMA N 1 Pengasih masih lemah. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa baik kemampuan one hand set shoot dan jump shoot dalam permainan bola basket pada peserta ekstrakurikuler bolabasket putra SMA N 1 Pengasih. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik tes. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes yang diadopsi dari tes Barry L Johnson dan sudah dimodofikasi menjadi tiga titik saja. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kemampuan One Hand Set Shoot dalam Permainan Bola Basketdi SMA N 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo didapat hasil kategori sangat baik sebanyak 0 siswa (0%), baik sebanyak 0 siswa (0%), Cukup baik sebanyak 9 siswa (45 %), kurang baik sebanyak 8 siswa (40%) dan sangat kurang sebanyak 3 siswa (15%). Sedangkan jump shoot diperoleh hasil kategori baik 0 siswa (0%), baik 0 siswa (0%), cukup baik 3 siswa (15%), kurang baik 11 siswa (55%), dan sangat kurang baik 6 siswa (30%). Kata kunci : One Hand Set Shoot, Jump Shoot, Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Bolabasket Abstract The mastery of technique or the ability of one hand set shoot with jump shoot from the basketball extracurricular members of SMA N 1 Pengasih is still weak. The purpose of this research is to find out how good the ability of one hand set shoot with jump shoot in the basketball game of the basketball extracurricular members of SMA N 1 Pengasih is. This research was a descriptive quantitative study with the data collection techniques employed tests. The instrument was using a test that was adopted from the Barry L Johnson’s test and it was already modified into three points only. The research results show that the ability of one hand set shoot in the basketball game in SMA N 1 Pengasih Kulon Progo is in various categories as there is no student in the category of very good (0%), no student in the good category (0%), 9 students are in the medium category (45%), 8 students are in the less good category (40%), and 3 students are in the very less category (15%). While for the jump shoot, there is no student in the very good category (0%), no student or 0 student in the good category (0%), 3 students are in the medium category (15%), 11 students are in the less good category (55%), and 6 students are in the very less category (30%). Keywords : One Hand Set Shoot, Jump Shoot, Basketball Extracurricular Members

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