Dimas Tri Suryono, , Indonesia


Abstrak Belum diketahinya persepsi siswa kelas X SMAN 10 terhadap modifikasi permainan bolabasket. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa kelas X SMA N 10 Yogyakarta terhadap modifikasi permainan bolabasket. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan metode survei. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitan dengan menggunakan teknik Proportional random sampling, maka diambil 75% dari total populasi siswa kelas X di SMA N 10 yogyakarta yang terdiri dari 32 siswa kelas XA, 32 siswa kelas XB, 32 siswa kelas XC, 30 siswa kelas XD dan 33 siswa kelas XE. Populasinya sebanyak 160 siswa, maka sampel yang diambil sebanyak 120 siswa. Dengan asumsi setiap kelas diambil 75 % dari jumlah siswa yang ada pada setiap kelas. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket, dengan uji reliabilitas sebesar 0,888. Uji validitas menggunakan rumus product moment dengan butir pertanyaan semula 42 butir dan yang gugur 11 butir, sehingga butir pertanyaan yang sahih sebanyak 31 butir. Anaslisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa persepsi siswa Kelas X SMA N 10 Yogyakarta terhadap modifikasi permainan bolabasket, yang masuk dalam katagori sangat positif 6,67%, katagori positif 21,67%, katagori cukup positif 44,17%, katagori kurang positif 23,33%, dan katagori sangat kurang positif 4,17%. Tingkat persepsi siswa kelas X SMA N 10 Yogyakarta secara keseluruhan berada pada kataogri cukup positif 44,17%. Kata kunci : Persepsi, modifikasi, permainan, bolabasket Abstract The perception of the tenth grade students of SMAN 10 on the modification of basketball game was still unknown. The research aimed in determining the perception of the tenth grade students of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta on the modification of basketball game. The research was a descriptive quantitative study with survey method. The research was using the technique of proportional random sampling, then it was taken 75% of the total population of the tenth grade students of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta that consisted of 32 student from the class XA, 32 student from the class XB, 32 student from the class XC, 32 student from the class XD, 32 student from the class XE. The population was at 160 student, the sample were taken by 120 students. It was assumed that each class was taken 75% of the number of students in each class. The instruments were in the form of questionnaire, with the reliability test was at 0.888. The validity test was using the product moment formula with the total question items were originally at 42 items and 11 items were invalid, so the valid question items were for about 31 items. The data analysis was using descriptive statistical analysis with percentages. The results showed that the preception of the tenth grade students of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta on the modifivation of basketball game was in various catagories, as those were include in the catagory of verty positive at 6.67%, 21.67% were in the catagory of positif, 44.17% were in the catagory of moderate, 23.33% were in the catagory of less positive, and 4.17% were in the catagory of very less positive. The perception level of the tenth of SMA N 10 Yogyakarta as a whole was in the catagoy of quite positive at 44.17%. Keywords: perception, gamE, basketball

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