Deny Setiawan, , Indonesia


Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyak penyimpangan Peraturan Lima dan Enam yang dilakukan oleh pemain PORSENI SMP kabupaten Bantul, selain itu belum diketahuinya statistik pertandingan peraturan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi statistik pertandingan Peraturan Lima dan Enam secara akurat dan sebenarnya.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta pada partai semifinal bolabasket PORSENI SMP di kabupaten Bantul berjumlah 8 sekolah dan semuanya dijadikan objek yang diteliti. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik dengan persentase. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penyimpangan peraturan lima yang terjadi adalah traveling dengan 45 kali (32%), three seconds 11 kali (8%), deliberate foot ball 5 kali (4%), carrying the ball 4 kali (3%), double dribble 2 kali (1%), ball returned to backcourt 2 kali (1%), five seconds dan eight seconds dengan masing-masing 0 kali (0%). Sedangakan penyimpangan peraturan enam yang terjadi adalah personal foul dengan 71 kali (51%). Kata kunci: identifikasi, kesalahan, bolabasket, PORSENI THE IDENTIFICATION OF GAMES STATISTIC ON FIFTH AND SIXTH RULES IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PORSENI BASKETBALL SEMIFINALS IN BANTUL Abstract DISTRICT IN 2016 This research motivated by many irregularities on fifth and sixth rules performed by players study the junior high school PORSENI in Bantul district, and its unknown game statistic of the rules on a basketball game the junior high school PORSENI basketball in Bantul district. Aims to describe the game percentage of fifth and sixth rules were carried out in the party accurately and in fact.The research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this study were the junior high school PORSENI basketball semi finalists in Bantul district, consist 8 schools and all of them made as the research’s objects. The instrument used was the sheet observation. The analysis using statistical analysis with percentages.The analysis showed that the deviation on fifth rules most happened were is traveling by 45 times (32%), three seconds by 11 times (8%), deliberate foot ball by 5 times (4%), carrying the ball by 4 times (3%), double dribble by 2 times (1%), ball returned to the backcourt by 2 times (1%). Fouls on fifth rules did not occur were five seconds and eight seconds with each by 0 times (0%).While the deviation on sixth rules most happened is personal foul by 71 times (51%). Keywords: identification, fifth and sixth rules, basketball, PORSENI

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