Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS pada kelas IV SD 2 Blunyahan tahun ajaran 2015/2016, melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournaments (TGT). Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) menggunakan model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart, dengan subjek penelitian siswa-siswi kelas IV SD 2 Blunyahan yang berjumlah 29 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT dapat meningkatkan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS pada kelas IV SD 2 Blunyahan. Hasil penelitian dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut: siklus I pertemuan 1, rata-rata aktivitas siswa 65,58%; siklus I pertemuan 2, rata-rata aktivitas siswa 67,68%; dan siklus I pertemuan 3, rata-rata aktivitas siswa 70,20%. Peningkatan lagi dari hasil observasi pada siklus II pertemuan 1, rata-rata aktivitas siswa 72,72%; dan siklus II pertemuan 2, rata-rata aktivitas siswa 79,25%.
Kata Kunci: Aktivitas siswa, model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournaments (TGT).
This study aimed to improve the students’ activeness in Social Studies learning in Grade IV of SD 2 Blunyahan in the 2015/2016 academic year through the cooperative learning model of the Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type. This was a classroom action research (CAR) study using Kemmis and McTaggart’s model, involving the action subjects who were Grade IV students of SD 2 Blunyahan with a total of 29 students. The data were collected through observations. The results of the study showed that the application of the cooperative learning model of the TGT type was capable of improving the students’ activeness in Social Studies learning in Grade IV of SD 2 Blunyahan. The results of the study are explained as follows. In Cycle I in meeting 1, the average of the students’ activeness was 65.58%; in Cycle I in meeting 2, it was 67.68%; and in Cycle I in meeting 3, it was 70.20%. Based on the results of the observations, in Cycle II in meeting 1, the average of the students’ activeness was 72.72%; and in Cycle II in meeting 2, it was 79.25%.
Keywords: students’ activeness, cooperative learning model of Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) typeFull Text:
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