Rendi Lilit Iman Pambudi,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas IV SD N Suryodiningratan II Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 melalui penerapan model pembelajaran talking stick. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan model Kemmis dan Mc.Taggart. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD N Suryodiningratan II sebanyak 21 siswa. Objek penelitian ini adalah hasil belajar matematika. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan tes dan observasi. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan tes dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran talking stick yang memperhatikan banyaknya anggota dalam setiap kelompok, dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas IV SD N
Suryodiningratan II. Sebelum diterapkannya tindakan, pada ulangan harian ada 13 siswa (62%) yang mendapat nilai ≥65 dan pada hasil pretes ada 11 siswa (52%). Setelah diterapkannya tindakan, pada hasil tes siklus I ada 15 siswa
(71%) dan pada siklus II ada 18 siswa (86%) dari seluruh siswa yang mendapat nilai ≥65. Persentase aktivitas guru pada siklus I dan II adalah 89%. Persentase aktivitas siswa pada siklus I-1 adalah 36%, I-2 adalah 50%, I-3 adalah
64%, I-4 adalah 64%, dan pada siklus II-1 adalah 86%, II-2 adalah 93%.

Kata kunci: hasil belajar matematika, model pembelajaran talking stick.


This study aims to improve students’ mathematics learning outcomes in fourth grade of Public Elementary School Suryodiningratan II In Academic Year 2015/2016 through the application of talking stick learning model. This research was a classroom action research conducted with Kemmis and Mc Taggart’s model approach. The total subjects were 21 students of fourth grade in Public Elementary School Suryodiningratan II. The objective of this study was the research of students’ mathematics learning. The research data collection techniques used tests and observation. The Research instrument used tests and observation sheet. The results show that the application of the talking stick learning model that takes into account the number of members in each group, can improve students’ mathematics learning outcomes fourth grade of Public Elementary School Suryodiningratan II. Before implementing the actions, there were 13 stidents (62%) on a daily test of all students who scored 65 and at the pre-test there were 11 students (52%). After the implementation of the action, on the test results the first cycle there were 15 students (71%) and the second cycle there were 18 students (86%) of all students who scored 65. The percentage of teacher’s activity in the first and second cycle was 89%. The percentage of students’ activity in cycle I-1 was 36%, I-2 was 50%, I-3 was 64%, I-4 was 64%, and in cycle II-1 was 86%, II-2 was 93%.

Keywords: mathematics learning outcomes, talking stick learning model

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