Rekyan Pandhiga Dewi,



Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan proses dan prestasi belajar IPS siswa kelas IV A SD Negeri 8 Wonogiri menggunakan strategi pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL). Penelitian ini
merupakan Peneitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah 20 siswa kelas IV A. Objek penelitian adalah proses dan prestasi belajar IPS. Desain penelitian menggunakan model Kemmis dan Taggart. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah observasi dan tes. Teknik analisis data yaitu deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan proses dan prestasi belajar IPS siswa kelas IV A setelah menggunakan strategi pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL). Proses ditinjau dari langkah
strategi pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL), sedangkan prestasi ditinjau dari hasil belajar. Langkah strategi pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) yaitu (1) Orientasi masalah; (2)
Menganalisis masalah; (3) Mengumpulkan fakta atau data; (4) Merumuskan pemecahan masalah; dan (5) Mengevaluasi proses pemecahan masalah. Ketuntasan belajar pra tindakan 15%, siklus I 75%, dan meningkat pada siklus II 100%.

Kata kunci: prestasi belajar, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Problem Based Learning (PBL)

This research aims at improving the process and learning achievement of Social Studies of fourth grade students in SD N 8 Wonogiri using Problem Based Learning (PBL). This was a classroom action research. The subjects were 20 students from class IV A. The object of research were the process and the learning achievement of Social Studies. The design of the research used the model from Kemmis and Taggart. The data were collected through observation and test. Data analysis techniques used qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The results show that there is an improvement on the performance and learning achievement in Social Studies subject of fourth grade students after using Problem Based Learning (PBL). The learning process is observed through the steps of Problem Based Learning (PBL), while learning achievement is observed through the learning outcomes. The step Problem Based Learning (PBL) are (1) Define the problem; (2) Analyze the problem ; (3) Classify the problem (4) Identify possible explanation or solution; and (5) Evaluate progress. With mastery learning pre-action is 15%, in first cycle 75%, and increase in second cycle 100%.

Keywords: learning achievement, Social Studies, Problem Based Learning (PBL)

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