Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa secara kognitif dan afektif
melalui model Active Learning tipe Index Card Match (ICM) di kelas V SD Negeri Brosot Kulon Progo,
Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas V SD Negeri
Brosot sejumlah 22 siswa. Objek penelitian adalah hasil belajar matematika melalui model Active Learning tipe
Index Card Match pada materi operasi hitung pecahan desimal. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan
observasi dan penilaian tes hasil belajar. Observasi dilakukan untuk mengamati sikap dan aktivitas siswa dan guru
dengan menggunakan pedoman observasi. Penilaian hasil belajar menggunakan tes yaitu pre test dan post test.
Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan
hasil belajar matematika setelah menggunakan model Active Learning tipe Index Card Match sesuai sintaks pada
siklus I. Peningkatan kembali terjadi setelah dilakukan modifikasi dengan diskusi, penggunaan reward, dan
penambahan aturan kuis pada siklus II. Peningkatan terjadi pada nilai kognitif yaitu dari 70,68 pada pra siklus
menjadi 84,95 pada siklus II. Aspek afektif mengalami peningkatan dari 2,47 pada siklus I menjadi 3,04 pada
siklus II.
Kata Kunci: model Active Learning, Index Card Match, hasil belajar
The purpose of this research was to improve student’s mathematics learning outcome on both cognitive and
affective outcome through Active Learning Model type Index Card Match at fifth grade of Brosot Primary School,
Kulon Progo Yogyakarta. This research was a Class Action Research type with the subjects were 22 students of
fifth grade at Brosot Primary School. The object of this research was mathematics learning outcome through
Active Learning Model type Index Card Match . The data collection techniques were obtained through observation
and students learning assessment. Observation carried out to observe the attitudes and activities of students and
teacher by using observation guidelines. The learning outcome assessment used tests, which is pretest and post test.
Data were analyzed through quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed an improvement in mathematics
learning outcome after using the appropriate syntax of Active Learning model type Index Card Match in the first
cycle. The Improvement occurred again after using modification to the discussion, the use of rewards, and the
addition of quiz rules on the second cycle. The improvement occurred in cognitive learning outcome, which is
70,68 to 84,95 in the pre-cycle into the second cycle. Affective aspect has increased from 2.47 to 3.04 in the first
cycle in the second cycle.
Keywords: Active Learning Model, Index Card Match, Learning outcome
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