Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perilaku prososial siswa di kelas IVB SDN Jigudan melalui model active learning tipe really getting acquainted. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IVB SDN Jigudan berjumlah 29 orang. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan model Kemis dan Mc. Taggart. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan skala psikologi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model really getting acquainted dalam pembelajaran IPS dapat meningkatkan perilaku prososial. Pada pratindakan semua indikator perilaku prososial belum mencapai indikator keberhasilan. Rata-rata perilaku prososial siswa berada pada kriteria sedang. Pada siklus I, tiga dari enam indikator telah mencapai indikator keberhasilan. Rata-rata siswa meningkat menjadi kriteria tinggi namun belum mencapai indikator keberhasilan. Pada siklus II, semua indikator mencapai indikator keberhasilan dan seluruh siswa mencapai kriteria tinggi.
Kata kunci: perilaku prososial, active learning tipe really getting acquainted, IPS
This study aims at improving the prosocial behavior of students in class IVB SDN Jigudan through active learning model really getting acquainted type. This type of research was the classroom action research. Subjects were students in class IVB totaling 29 peoples. This study design used the model Chemish and Mc. Taggart. Data collection techniques used were observation and psychological scale. Data analyze techniques used were descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results shows that use the model really getting acquainted in social learning can improve the prosocial behavior. In pre action all indicators of prosocial behavior has not reach indicators of success. The average score is in medium criteria. In the first cycle, three of the six indicators of prosocial behavior has reach an indicator of success. The average increase to high criteria but have not yet reach an indicator of success. In the second cycle, all the indicators reach an indikator of success and all students reach high criteria
Keywords: prosocial behavior, active learning type really getting acquainted, IPS
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