Putri Rusdiana Shalihah,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan rasa ingin tahu siswa pada pembelajaran tematik bermuatan IPA melalui penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing pada kelas IV SD N Krebet, Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 29 siswa. Desain penelitian menggunakan model Kemmis dan McTaggart. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes uraian, angket, dan observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Kriteria keberhasilan kemampuan berpikir kritis adalah rerata kelas memperoleh skor ≥75. Kriteria keberhasilan rasa ingin tahu adalah rerata capaian rasa ingin tahu siswa termasuk dalam kriteria tinggi (≥76). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata skor kemampuan berpikir kritis dari pra siklus 59,48, siklus I 72,41, dan siklus II 78,79. Selanjutnya rata-rata persentase rasa ingin tahu siswa dari pra siklus 70,73%, siklus I 75,26%, dan siklus II 78,36%.

Kata kunci: kemampuan berpikir kritis, rasa ingin tahu, model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing


This research aims to improve the student’s critical thinking skills and curiosity in the thematic learning of natural sciences through guided inquiry learning model in the 4th grade students of SD N Krebet. The type was Classroom Action Research with subject were 29 students. The design used Kemmis and McTaggart model. The data collection techniques were essay test, questionnaire, and observation. The data analysis technique was quantitative descriptive. The success indicator for critical thinking skill was the average score ≥75. The success indicator for curiosity was the average student’s curiosity achieved in a high-criteria (≥76). The result showed the average score of the critical thinking skills from the pre-cycle was 59.48; the first cycle was 72.41, and the second cycle was 78.79. The percentage average of the student’s curiosity from the pre-cycle was 70.73%, the first cycle was 75.26%, and the second cycle was 78,36%.

Keywoard:critical thinking skills, curiosity, guided inquiry learning model

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