Mema Rahmaningrum,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS melalui strategi pembelajaran aktif card sort pada siswa kelas VB SD Negeri Demak Ijo 1 Sleman Yogyakarta. Jenis penelitian ini adalah PTK, menggunakan model spiral Kemmis dan Taggart. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas VB. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa tes hasil belajar, lembar observasi, angket, dan dokumentasi. Tes digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data hasil belajar kognitif siswa, sedangkan lembar observasi digunakan untuk memperoleh gambaran aktivitas siswa serta guru dalam proses pembelajaran IPS menggunakan strategi pembelajaran aktif card sort. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan strategi pembelajaran aktif card sort dapat meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas VB. Peningkatan proses pembelajaran ditunjukkan oleh siswa yang lebih aktif, komunikatif serta suasana pembelajaran yang menyenangkan bagi siswa. Selain itu, hasil belajar ditunjukkan dengan persentase ketuntasan pada pratindakan 19,35%, pada siklus I 54,83%, dan pada siklus II 87,09%.

Kata kunci : Strategi pembelajaran aktif card sort, hasil belajar IPS.


This research aimed to improve students achievement through card sort active learning strategies on the fifth grade of class B student sof demak ijo 1 elementary school in sleman, yogyakarta. This research was Classroom Action Research, used Kemmis and Taggart spiral model. The subjects were a teacher and fitfh grade on B’s class. The data was collected through achievement test, observation sheets, questionnaires, and documentation. The test was used to collect data from student’s cognitive learning, while the observation sheet used to obtain a picture of student and teacher actuvity in the implementation of social studies learning process using card sort active learning strategies. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative analysis and qualitative.The results showed that the use of card sort active learning strategies can improve the process and the results of social studies on the fifth grade on B’s class. An improvement of learning process shown by the students that more active, communicative and enjoyable learning atmosphere for students. In addition, the study results indicated by the percentage of completeness in pre-action amounted to 19.35%, 54.83% in the first cycle, and 87.09% in the second cycle.

Keywords: Card sort active learning strategies, the study results of social studies

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