Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses dan hasil belajar IPA pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri Gamping dengan menggunakan model inkuiri terbimbing. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) menggunakan model Kemmis dan MC Taggart. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas V yang berjumlah 18 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan tes. Data penelitian ini dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model inkuiri terbimbing dengan siktaks pembelajarannya yaitu identifikasi masalah, membuat hipotesis, mengumpulkan data untuk menguji hipotesis/percobaan, menganalisis data, dan membuat kesimpulan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses dan hasil belajar siswa kelas V. Persentase keterampilan proses meningkat dari pra siklus, siklus I, ke siklus II secara berturut-turut yaitu 37,38%, 68,64%, dan 88,26%. Adapun peningkatan hasil belajar muai dari pra siklus, siklus I, ke siklus II berturut-turut sebesar 48,91, 63,89 dan 71,11.
Kata kunci: keterampilan proses, hasil belajar, model inkuiri terbimbing
This research aims at improving the science skills process and the science leaning achievement toward the fifth-grade students of SD N Gamping by using the guided inquiry model. This research is the Class Action Research (CAR) used Kemmis and MC Taggart model. The subjects of the research was the 18 fifth-grade students. Technique of collecting data were conducted by both observing and testing. The data were analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative descriptive method. The result of the research shows that the use of guided inquiry model with its learning syntax is identifying problems, making hypothesis, collecting data to test the hypothesis, analyzing data, and making a conclusion can improve both the process skill and learning result fifth-grade students. The precentage of science process skilsl successively improves from cycle, cycle I, and cycle II, and that is 37,37%, 68,64%, and 88,26%. Meanwhile, the improvement of learning achievement from cycle, cycle I, and cycle II is successively 48,91, 63,89 and 71,11.
Keywords: process skill, learning result, guided inquiry model
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