Diah Rizqi Pangestika,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika siswa kelas II SD Negeri Gembongan, Sentolo, Kulon Progo Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 melalui metode bermain peran. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan model Kemmis & McTaggart. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas II yang berjumlah 23 siswa. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi dan tes. Data kuantitatif dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan penyajian tabel dan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode bermain peran dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika siswa kelas II SD Negeri Gembongan, Sentolo, Kulon Progo. Hasil observasi menunjukkan partisipasi aktif guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran menggunakan metode bermain peran mencapai angka 91% dan 85,71% dengan kategori sangat baik. Peningkatan hasil tes siklus I dan siklus II sebesar 8% yakni sebanyak 19 siswa (83%) menjadi sebanyak 21 siswa (91%) yang mendapat nilai KKM (75) dari jumlah siswa seluruhnya yaitu 23. Sedangkan, nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa mencapai 89,2.

Kata kunci: menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika, bermain peran



This research aimed to improve the ability to solve the mathematics story problem of second grade students of Gembongan Elementary School of Sentolo in Kulon Progo regency on the academic year 2017/2018 by using role-play method. This research uses the design of action research model Kemmis & McTaggart. The subjects of the study were the second grade students, amounting to 23 students. The data collection instrument uses observation and test sheets. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively by presentation of tables and percentages. The results showed that the use of role playing methods can improve the ability to solve the mathematics story problem of second grade students of Gembongan Elementary School of Sentolo in Kulon Progo regency. The result of observation shows the active participation of teachers and students in learning using role playing method reached 91% and 85.71% with very good category. Improvement of the results of the test cycle I and cycle II of 8% ie as many as 19 students (83%) to as many as 21 students (91%) who got KKM (75) of the total number of students is 23. Meanwhile, the average value of student learning outcomes reached 89.2.

Keywords: mathematics story problem, role-play method

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