Siti Rikha Mahmudah,



Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan Multimedia Interaktif Panca Indra sebagai media pembelajaran yang layak digunakan bagi siswa kelas IV baik dari segi materi maupun media. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada model pengembangan ADDIE. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MIM Jatisalam dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas IV. Jenis data  yang  digunakan  adalah  data  kualitatif  dan  kuantitatif.  Data  diperoleh  melalui  observasi, wawancara dan instrumen angket.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan media Multimedia Interaktif Panca Indra dinyatakan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran IPA Kelas IV MIM Jatisalam. Kelayakan media dapat dilihat dari: 1) hasil akhir validasi ahli materi yang termasuk dalam kategori “Sangat Baik” dengan skor rata-rata 4,40, 2) hasil akhir validasi ahli media yang termasuk kategori “Sangat Baik” dengan skor rata-rata 4,28, dan 3) respon siswa dalam dua kali uji coba yang seluruhnya menunjukkan hasil “Sangat Baik” dengan rata-rata 4,40 dan 4,32.

Kata kunci: Multimedia Interaktif Panca Indra, siswa kelas IV dan kelayakan.



The purpose of this research is to develop five senses  interactive multimedia for fourth grade of elementary school that appropriate  in materials and media.The research was included as Research and Development (R&D) which referred to the ADDIE development model. The research took place in MIM Jatisalam with the 4th grade student for the subjects of the research. The type of data used is qualitative and quantitative. The data were obtained from observation,interview, and questionnaire instruments. The results of this research showed that five sense interactive multimedia was appropriate to be applied in the science learning for the fourth students of MIM Jatisalam. This could be known from: 1) the final results of validation of the material experts which included in the "Excellent" category with the average score of 4,40, 2) the final result of validation of media experts which included in the "Excellent" category, with the average score of 4,28, and 3) the student’s responses in two trials all of which showed "Excellent" results with the average of 4,40 and 4,32.

Keywords: five senses interactive multimedia, 4th grade elementary school, appropriateness.

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