Ridwan Budiyanto,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter religius berbasis budaya sekolah di SDIT Luqman AL-Hakim Internasional Yogyakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter religius berbasis budaya sekolah di SDIT LHI Yogyakarta dilaksanakan dalam lapisan artifak, lapisan nilai dan keyakinan, serta lapisan asumsi. Lapisan artifak diwujudkan dalam aspek fisik berupa penyediaan fasilitas ibadah dan sarana yang mendukungnya, sedangkan pada aspek perilaku dilakukan dengan program-program sekolah. Lapisan nilai dan keyakinan yang diajarkan antara lain; cinta kepada allah, kebersihan sebagian dari iman, rasul adalah teladan, setiap muslim adalah pemimpin. Pada lapisan asumsi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa asumsi yang dirasakan warga sekolah yaitu hubungan yang harmonis harus diwujudkan oleh warga sekolah, kerja keras adalah faktor utama setiap keberhasilan, kerjasama menentukan mutu sekolah, dan keteladanan sebagai kunci kesuksesan.

Kata kunci: Pendidikan karakter, religius, budaya sekolah


This research aims to find out the implementation of religious character education based on school culture in an integrated Islamic elementary school SDIT Luqman Al-Hakim Internasional in Yogyakarta. Interview, observation, and documentation were used as research collection method. The result shows that this kind of character education is carried out in several layers which are artifacts, values and beliefs, and assumptions. The artifacts layer, in physical aspect, is realized in the form of the provision of facilities to do religious practices, while at behavioral aspect, it is embodied in school’s programs. The values and beliefs layer, which are taught, covers issues like the love to God, environmental cleanliness as a part of the faith, apostles as the role model, and that every moslem is a leader. At the assumptions layer, it can be concluded that the assumptions which are perceived by every person in the school are that harmonious relationship should be realized by school members, that hard work is a main factor in every endeavor to success, that the cooperation determines the quality of the school, and that the exemplary is the success key factor.

Keywords: character education, religious, school culture

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