Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan LKS berbasis tokoh wayang. Subyek penelitian merupakan siswa kelas 4 SDN Golo. Subtema yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Sikap Kepahlawanan. Penelitian ini dikembangkan menggunakan model Borg and Gall yang telah melalui sembilan tahap. Kesembilan tahap tersebut adalah : Penelitian dan pengumpulan data, perencanaan, pengembangan produk, uji lapangan awal, revisi, uji lapangan utama, revisi, uji lapangan operasional, revisi akhir. Hasil dalam penelitian yaitu: skor validasi ahli materi 4.16, ahli media 4.25, uji lapangan awal 4.45, uji lapangan utama 4.46, uji lapangan operasional 4.32. Setelah melalui tahap tersebut lembar kerja siswa kelas 4 berbasis tokoh wayang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran.
Kata kunci: LKS berbasis tokoh wayang. Subtema Sikap Kepahlawanan. Kelas 4
This research is to know the feasibility of Student worksheet based on character of puppet. Subjects of the research were fourth grade in SDN Golo. Sub theme of this research was attitude of heroism. This research design modified from development model of Borg and Gall, which was done in the nine steps of research, they are: research and information collecting, planning, develop preliminary form of product,preliminary field testing,main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operationa field testing, and final product revision. The result of these research : Score of matterial expert is 4.16 (Good),score of media expert is 4.28 (Excellent), score of preliminary testing field is 4.45 (Excellent), score of main field testing is 4.46 (Excellent), and operational field testing score is 4.32 (Excellent). After all step have been finished, development of student worksheet based on character of puppet valid for instruction.
Keywords: students’ worksheet based on chacarter of puppet. Sub theme attitude of heroism. fourth grade elementary schoolFull Text:
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