Erfina Nurul Fatonah,



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan media KIT IPA pokok bahasan cahaya untuk pembelajaran di kelas 5 dan keefektifan penggunaan media berdasarkan hasil uji coba. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model 4-D yang dimodifikasi menjadi model 3-D (Define, Design, dan Develop). Penelitian dilaksanakan di SDN Rejowinangun 1 Yogyakarta dengan subjek penelitian siswa kelas 5. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket dan soal pretest-posttest. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan KIT IPA Cahaya layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Media dikatakan layak berdasarkan: 1) hasil validasi ahli materi dengan rata-rata 3,82, 2) hasil validasi ahli media dengan rata-rata 3,54, 3) respon guru dengan rata-rata 3,68, dan 4) respon
siswa dalam tiga kali uji coba dengan rata-rata 3,91, 3,43, dan 3,09. Seluruh rata-rata tersebut termasuk kategori “Sangat Baik”. KIT IPA Cahaya dikatakan efektif jika perhitungan nilai gain ≥ 0,3. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, nilai gain yang diperoleh berturut-turut sebesar 0,56, 0,47, dan 0,44.

Kata kunci: pengembangan KIT IPA, Cahaya, siswa kelas 5.


The purpose from this research are knowing the feasibility of light science kit for learning in grade 5 and determine the effectiveness use of light science kit based on data from developmental testing. This research was a research and development using 4-D development model which was modified into a 3-D model (Define, Design, and Develop). The research was conducted in SDN Rejowinangun 1 Yogyakarta with 5th grade student for the research subjects. Instrument that used in this research was questionnaires and pretest-posttest questions. The results of this research indicate that the instructional science kit media of light is feasible and effective to use in science learning. Feasibility media can be seen from: 1) the outcome of expert validation of material with an
average score of 3.82, 2) the outcome of expert validation of media with an average score of 3.54, 3) the response of teachers with an average score of 3.68, and 4) the response of students in three stage of developmental testing with an average score of 3.91, 3.43, and 3.09. All of that average scores included “Very Good” category. Light science kit media is effective to use if the gain score ≥ 0,3. Based on developmental testing, gain score that obtained continuously is 0.56, 0.47, and 0.44.

Keywords: Science KIT development, Light, grade 5 students.

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