Arifin - Yuiiadi,


Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum diketahuinya tingkat kesegaran jasmani
siswa kelas V SD Negeri 02 Baledono. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat
kesegaran jasmani siswa kelas V SD Negeri 02 Baledono.
Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengambilan data menggunakan
TKJI (Tes Kesegaran Jasmani Indonesia) edisi revisi tahun 2010 untuk anak umur 10 – 12
tahun.Subyek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Baledono,
yang berjumlah 25 siswa. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif dengan
Hasil pengukuran tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa kelas V SDN Balendono didapatkan
hasil sebagai berikut: pada kategori  “kurang sekali “ dengan presentase sebesar 00.00% (0 siswa),
kategori “kurang” presentasi sebesar 8.00% ( 2 siswa ), kategori “sedang“ presentase sebesar
68,00% (17 siswa), kategori “baik” presentase sebesar 24.00% (6 siswa), dan kategori “baik
sekali“ dengan presentase sebesar 00.00% ( 0 siswa). Dari hasil analisis tersebut, dapat
disimpulkan tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa kelas V SDN 02 Balendono berada pada kategori
Kata kunci: Tes kesegaranjasmani indonesia. Siswa kelas V, SDN 02 Balendono

This research was descriptive quantitative research. The data collection was by using
TKJI (Indonesia Physical Fitness Test) revised edition 2010 for children aged I0-12 years.
The research problem is the unknown level of physical fitness of fifth grade
students in SD Negeri (State Elementary School) 02 Baledono.
The subjects used in this research were the students of fifth grade in SD Negeri Baledono of
25 students. The data analysis was by using descriptive statistical analysis technique with
The result of measurement of fifth grade students' physical fitness level in SD N
 This research aims to determine the level of physical fitness of fifth grade students
in SD Negeri 02 Baledono. This research was descriptive quantitative research. The data
collection was by using TKJI (Indonesia Physical Fitness Test) revised edition 2010 for
children aged 10-12 years. The subjects used in this research were the students of fifth
grade in  SD Negeri Baledono of 25 students. The data analysis was by using descriptive
Balendono is obtained as follows: in the "very less" category with the percentage 00.00% (0
student). the 'less· category with 8.00% percentage (2 students). the "medium" category with
percentage 68.00'i·o (17 students). in the "good" category with percentage 24.00% (6
students), and in the "excellent" category with percentage 00.00% (0 student). From the result
of the analysis. it can be concluded that physical fitness level of grade V students in SON 02
statistical analysis technique with percentage.
The result of measurement of fifth grade students’ physical fitnes

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