Diki - Herdiyanto,


Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Faktor Penghambat Keterlaksanaan
Pembelajaran Permainan Bola Basket di SD se-Kecamatan Wonosobo.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan metode survei. Instrumen
penelitian berupa angket faktor penghambat keterlaksanaan pembelajaran permainan bola basket.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru penjas di Sekolah Dasar se-Kecamatan Wonosobo yang
berjumlah 30 guru penjas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan
pemaparan data dalam bentuk persentase.  
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor penghambat keterlaksanaan pembelajaran permainan
bola basket di SD se-Kecamatan Wonosobo yaitu: “sangat rendah” sebesar 10,00%, “rendah” sebesar
16,67%, “sedang” sebesar 40,00%, “tinggi” sebesar 30,00%, dan “sangat tinggi” sebesar 3,33%.  Secara
rinci faktor penghambat keterlaksanaan pembelajaran permainan bola basket di SD se-Kecamatan
Wonosobo berdasarkan faktor intriksik indikator psikis sebesar 61,39% masuk kategori “tinggi” dan
indikator fisik sebesar 57,78% masuk kategori “sedang”. Faktor penghambat keterlaksanaan
pembelajaran permainan bola basket di SD se-Kecamatan Wonosobo berdasarkan faktor ekstrinsik
indikator siswa dengan persentase sebesar 57,83% masuk kategori “sedang”, indikator materi sebesar
55,21% masuk kategori “sedang”, indikator sarana prasarana sebesar 50,83% masuk kategori “sedang”,
dan indikator lingkungan sebesar 50,42% masuk kategori “sedang.
Kata kunci: Faktor Penghambat Pembelajaran, Permainan Bola Basket

This study aims to investigate the factors inhibiting the implementation of basketball game
learning in elementary schools (ESs) in Wonosobo District.
This was a quantitative descriptive study using the survey method. The research instrument was a
questionnaire on the factors inhibiting the implementation of basketball game learning. The research
population comprised all physical education (PE) teachers of ESs in Wonosobo District with a total of 30
teachers. The data analysis technique was the quantitative descriptive analysis technique using the data
presentation in the form of percentages.
The results of the study show that regarding the factors inhibiting the implementation of
basketball game learning in ESs in Wonosobo District 10.00% are very low, 16.67% are low, 40.00% are
moderate, 30.00% are high, and 3.33% are very high. In detail, the factors inhibiting the implementation
of basketball game learning in ESs in Wonosobo District based on the intrinsic factors of the psychic
indicators are high by 61.39% and those of the physical indicators are moderate by 57.78%. The factors
inhibiting the implementation of basketball game learning in ESs in Wonosobo District based on the
extrinsic factors of the student indicator are moderate by 57.83%, those of the material indicator are
moderate by 55.21%, those of the infrastructure indicator are moderate by 50.83%, and those of the
environmental indicator are moderate by 50.42%.
Keywords: Factors Inhibiting Learning, Basketball Game

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