juli astono,
Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk: (1)menghasilkan Majalah Fisika PhysicsMagzberbasisClenovio Apps yang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran fisika materi Usaha & Energi di kelas X SMA; (2) mengetahui peningkatan minat belajar peserta didik SMA kelas X yang menggunakan media pembelajaran Majalah Fisika PhysicsMagzberbasisClenovio Apps pada pembelajaran fisika materi Usaha & Energi di kelas X SMA dan (3) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatifpeserta didik SMA kelas X yang menggunakan media pembelajaran Majalah Fisika PhysicsMagzberbasisClenovio Apps pada pembelajaran fisika materi Usaha & Energi di kelas X SMA.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (R&D) dengan menggunakan model dari Borg & Gall, dengan tahap-tahap yaitu, pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan awal, pengembangan produk, uji validasi, revisi validasi, uji coba lapngan awal, revisi uji lapangan awal, uji lapangan utama, revisi uji lapangan utama, dan desiminasi.. Kelayakan media majalah fisika PhysicsMagz berbasis Clenovio Apps dilihat dari skor validasi menggunakan analisisSbi. Peningkatan minat belajar peserta didik dilihat dari nilai standard Gain pada angket minat belajar peserta didik, sedangkan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik dilihat dari nilai standard Gain lembar pretest dan posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) majalah fisika PhysicsMag Berbasis Clenovio Apps telah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan dengan kategori sangat baik; 2) peningkatan minat belajar peserta didik sebesar 0,21 dengan kategorirendah dan 3) peningkatan hasil kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik sebesar 0,49 dengan kategori sedang.
Kata-kata kunci:majalah fisika, clenovio, minat belajar, kemampuan berpikir kreatif
The objective of this research development are to: (1) produce the physics magazine ‘PhysicsMagz’ that based on Clenovio Apps which are suitable for learning the physics material Work and Energy in the 10th grade of the senior high school; (2) know the enhancement interest in learning of 10th grade of the senior high school students who are using the physics magazine learning media ‘PhysicsMagz’ which is based on Clenovio Apps on learning the physics materials Work & Energy in the 10th grade of the senior high school and (3) know the improvement of creative thinking skill of 10th grade of the senior high school students who are using the physics magazine learning media ‘PhysicsMagz’ which is based on Clenovio Apps on learning the physics material Work & Energy in 10th grade of the senior high school. This is a development research (R & D) by using the model from Borg & Gall, with several stages there are, information gathering, preliminary planning, product development, validity test, validity revision, initial field test, revision of initial field test, major field tests, revision of major field tests, and dissemination. The feasibility of ‘PhysicsMagz’ physics magazine media which is based on Clenovio Apps can be seen from the validation score which is using the SBI analysis. The enhancement of interest in students can be seen from the score of standard gain in the learning interest questionnaire of students, while the improvement of the creative thinking skills of students can be seen from the score of standard gain sheet in the pretest and posttest. The results show that 1) ‘PhysicsMagz’ physics magazine which is based on the Clenovio Apps has fulfill the criteria of eligibility with a very good category; 2) increasing the learning interest of students by 0,21 with a low category and 3) improving the creative thinking skill of students by 0,49 with a medium category.
Keywords: Physics Magazine, Clenovio, Learning Interest, Creative Thinking Skills
Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk: (1)menghasilkan Majalah Fisika PhysicsMagzberbasisClenovio Apps yang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran fisika materi Usaha & Energi di kelas X SMA; (2) mengetahui peningkatan minat belajar peserta didik SMA kelas X yang menggunakan media pembelajaran Majalah Fisika PhysicsMagzberbasisClenovio Apps pada pembelajaran fisika materi Usaha & Energi di kelas X SMA dan (3) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatifpeserta didik SMA kelas X yang menggunakan media pembelajaran Majalah Fisika PhysicsMagzberbasisClenovio Apps pada pembelajaran fisika materi Usaha & Energi di kelas X SMA.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (R&D) dengan menggunakan model dari Borg & Gall, dengan tahap-tahap yaitu, pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan awal, pengembangan produk, uji validasi, revisi validasi, uji coba lapngan awal, revisi uji lapangan awal, uji lapangan utama, revisi uji lapangan utama, dan desiminasi.. Kelayakan media majalah fisika PhysicsMagz berbasis Clenovio Apps dilihat dari skor validasi menggunakan analisisSbi. Peningkatan minat belajar peserta didik dilihat dari nilai standard Gain pada angket minat belajar peserta didik, sedangkan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik dilihat dari nilai standard Gain lembar pretest dan posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) majalah fisika PhysicsMag Berbasis Clenovio Apps telah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan dengan kategori sangat baik; 2) peningkatan minat belajar peserta didik sebesar 0,21 dengan kategorirendah dan 3) peningkatan hasil kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik sebesar 0,49 dengan kategori sedang.
Kata-kata kunci:majalah fisika, clenovio, minat belajar, kemampuan berpikir kreatif
The objective of this research development are to: (1) produce the physics magazine ‘PhysicsMagz’ that based on Clenovio Apps which are suitable for learning the physics material Work and Energy in the 10th grade of the senior high school; (2) know the enhancement interest in learning of 10th grade of the senior high school students who are using the physics magazine learning media ‘PhysicsMagz’ which is based on Clenovio Apps on learning the physics materials Work & Energy in the 10th grade of the senior high school and (3) know the improvement of creative thinking skill of 10th grade of the senior high school students who are using the physics magazine learning media ‘PhysicsMagz’ which is based on Clenovio Apps on learning the physics material Work & Energy in 10th grade of the senior high school. This is a development research (R & D) by using the model from Borg & Gall, with several stages there are, information gathering, preliminary planning, product development, validity test, validity revision, initial field test, revision of initial field test, major field tests, revision of major field tests, and dissemination. The feasibility of ‘PhysicsMagz’ physics magazine media which is based on Clenovio Apps can be seen from the validation score which is using the SBI analysis. The enhancement of interest in students can be seen from the score of standard gain in the learning interest questionnaire of students, while the improvement of the creative thinking skills of students can be seen from the score of standard gain sheet in the pretest and posttest. The results show that 1) ‘PhysicsMagz’ physics magazine which is based on the Clenovio Apps has fulfill the criteria of eligibility with a very good category; 2) increasing the learning interest of students by 0,21 with a low category and 3) improving the creative thinking skill of students by 0,49 with a medium category.
Keywords: Physics Magazine, Clenovio, Learning Interest, Creative Thinking Skills
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