Iis Iis Apriyatun Nupus,


This research aimed at knowing the implementation of learning a review text of film/
drama in the 2013 curriculum for the grade XI students of SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. There
were four themes focused in this research. They were (1) the materials election, the use of
method, the utilization of media and the implementation of evaluation; (2) the
implementation of Scientific Approach of the 2013 curriculum; (3) the obstacle factors in the
learning process; and (4) the teacher’s efforts to solve the obstacles in the learning process.
The type of this research was Qualitative-Descriptive Research which used the
Indonesian teacher and  29 students of grade XI (TGB 3) of SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta as the
subject of the research. The object of the research was the implementation of learning  a
review text  of film/ drama. The data were gained from observations, interviews and
documentations. The instruments used in collecting the data were the observation sheets,
interview sheets, assessment sheets of the learning how to construct a review text. The data
analysis technique used in this research was qualitative-descriptive.
The results of the research are (1) materials election delivered by the teacher shows a
taxonomy gradation of how to think in the field of knowledge and skills. The use of learning
method from the first meeting to the seventh were lecturing, simulation, practices, question
and answer, group discussions, presentations, and tasks. The teacher varied the method by
using more than one for each meeting. The utilization of media by the teacher was clearly
enough in delivering the learning message. The media used by the teacher were visual media,
printed media, and audio-visual media. The implementation of the learning evaluation done
by the teacher includes three aspects of knowledge which were the aspect of attitude and
skills evaluated when the learning process lasted and the aspect of knowledge evaluated after
the learning process. The implementation of evaluation has been already appropriate with
Education Assessment Standard in Permendikbud, No. 66 in the year of 2013 chapter II; (2)
The scientific approach implemented by the teacher in the learning  a review text  of film/
drama has been already appropriate to Permendikbud No. 65 in the year of 2013 about
Process Standard. The implementation steps of scientific approach which were implemented
included observing, asking, exploring, associating, and communicating; (3) the obstacle
factors occurred in the process of learning  a review text  laid on the teacher herself, the
students, and the learning system in the 2013 curriculum which are categorized as a new way
of learning; (4) the teacher’s efforts to solve the obstacles were by making the learning time
effective and giving homework to the students, varying the learning materials with media
used and the development of the teacher competences in constructing the lesson plan.

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