Rista Nurul Hidayah,


This study aims to describe the implementation of writing traditional poem
“Pantun” and tale learning to the student of VII grade in SMP 2 Sleman. This
study includes learning components such as 1) the purpose of learning, 2) learning
materials, 3) methods of learning, 4) steps of learning, 5) learning resources and
media, 6) and the assessment of learning.
This is a qualitative descriptive study. Research subject are the teachers
who teach Indonesian subject and students in the classroom VIID, VIIE, and VIIF
of SMP Negeri 2 Sleman. The object of research is focused on the implementation
of learning poem “pantun” and story tale writing skills.  Data are obtained by the
technique of participant observation, interviews, field notes and document
analysis. Data analysis techniques include data reduction configurations, data
presentation , and conclusion. The validity of the data obtained by persistence and
The results indicated: (1) The learning purpose of the basic competence
(KD) 8.1 and basic competence (KD) 8.2 as a whole has been properly
implemented in the learning process, (2) learning materials on basic competence
(KD) 8.1 and basic competence (KD) 8.2 as a whole could be mastered by the
teachers and also able to deliver the material well, (3) learning method on basic
competence (KD) 8.1 and basic competence (KD) 8.2 overall the teachers in the
classroom tends to apply the lecture method, while through interviews and
analysis of documents, teachers used question and answer method, discussion
method, the assignment method, and the presentation method, (4) The learning on
basic competence steps (KD) 8.1 and basic competence (KD) 8.2 has been
implemented by the teachers during the process of learning implementation in the
class based on the lesson plan (RPP) which has been designed, (5) Learning
source on basic competence (KD) 8.1 and basic competence (KD) 8.2 the teachers
used the textbook packages (Barokah Paublisher et al and Nurhadi et al) and the
example of Pantun /Poem or examples of story tales. Learning media was already
used by teachers well, eventhough only in the form of visual media such slide in
the form microsoft word and power point by utilizing the LCD screen. The
learning media used by teachers in the learning process is not in the
implementation lesson plan (RPP), (6) Learning assessment on basic competence
(KD) 8.1 and basic competence (KD) 8.2 written at the time of assignment of
poem “pantun” and story tale writing duty.

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