Rosita Rosita,


The objective of this research is (1) to describe the initial description of the
use of the textbook reading in class XI SMK 1 Bantul, (2) to determine the design
of the development of textbook reading based strategy Anticipation Guide for
SMA / SMK XI, (3) to describe the feasibility of textbook reading based strategy
Anticipation Guide for SMA / SMK class XI were developed.
This research and development was made based on research design of
Borg & Gall, and it has been simplified became five measures, they are:  (1)
research and information gathering, (2) planning the manufacture of textbooks, (3)
the validation test product, (4) the revision of the products, (5 ) test product. The
data were obtained through interviews, validation sheet and questionnaire. The
interview data were analyzed by using qualitative data analysis, while analysis
sheet validation and questionnaires steps include:  changing the quantitative data
into qualitative, tabulation of all the data obtained on  each aspect, calculate the
average score, and change the average score into categories.
The results showed that there has been no use of special textbooks with
reading skills at the vocational school.  All the teachers are still using a textbooks
which containing all language competence and have never used a textbook that
contains a special integrated language competence based on a strategy. The results
of the validation textbook of material experts, Indonesian teacher and student
assessment shows that aspects of the feasibility of obtaining the contents of the
average score  of 3,92 categorized as “good” with  a  78,4% rate of feasibility,
feasibility aspects of the presentation of obtaining an average score 3,80 category
of “good” with a 76,0% rate of feasibility, feasibility aspects of language,
obtaining an average score 3,99 categorized as “good” by 79,8% eligibility rate,
and graphic obtain an average score of 3,86  with “good”  category with the
feasibility level of 77,2%. Overall textbook receives an average score 3,89
categorized as “good” with the feasibility level of 77,8% and declared fit for use.
Keywords: development, textbooks, reading skills, anticipation strategy guide


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