Nirnawati Nirna,


The objective of this research is to find out the initial conception of non-
literature writing textbook at junior high school, to observe the design of
development of non-literature writing textbook for student of junior high school at
  grade, and to determine the feasibility of non-literature writing textbook
developed. RAFT strategy was chosen as the base of development due to its
relevancy with the learning process of non-literature writing,  it  is logic,
systematic, and has specific measures.
  The type of the research is Research and Development (R&D), the
conducted development referred to 10 stages from Borg and Gall, and it has been
simplified became 5 stages, they are: (1) study and collection of the information,
(2) planning the creation of textbook, (3) validity test of product, (4) revision of
product, (5) and  product testing. Data was acquired through interview, validity
sheets, and inquiries. The results data of the interview was analyzed by technic of
qualitative data analysis, while the measures of analysis of validity sheets and
inquiries include: change quantitave data to be qualitative data, calculate the
average scores, and change it to category.
  The results of this research showed that the application of writing textbook
particularly at non-literature textbook in junior high school has not established
yet. All of the teachers still using textbooks that contain all four language
competences, but they did not apply the application of textbook which contains
one competence integrated based on a strategy. Therefore, this research produced
a product, it is Buku Ajar Menulis Nonsastra Berdasarkan Strategi RAFT (Role
Audience Format Topic) untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. This textbook contains the
outline of learning material about specific lesson organized systematically based
on a strategy, it is RAFT (Role Audience  Format Topic) strategy. As for the
measures on the developed textbook in each lesson based on RAFT strategy
include: (1) choosing the topic, (2) determining the role, (3) designating the
reader, (4) specifying the format, (5) and organizing the information and writing.
Validation result of the textbook from material expert, Indonesian teacher, and
students presented that category for the feasibility aspect of content is “good”; for
feasibility aspect of delivery is “good”; for feasibility aspect of language and
readability is “good”; and feasibility aspect of graphic is “good”.
Keywords: development, textbook, non-literature writing, strategy RAFT

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