Listina Wijayanti, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia
Bernadus Sentot Wijanarka, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian sarana praktik pemesinan dengan Standar sarana prasarana, mengetahui penerapan kurikulum 2013 dengan kondisi sarana praktik, dan mengetahui standar sarana untuk UKK (Ujian Kompetensi Keahlian) dengan kondisi sarana. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara terbuka, dan dokumentasi. Instrumen menggunakan checklist yang digunakan pada observasi dengan skala penilaian model Rating Scale. Hasil penelitian adalah kesesuaian sarana praktik dilihat dari Permendiknas Nomor 40 2008 adalah persentase ketercapaian sarana praktik pada area kerja bangku, mesin bubut, mesin frais, mesin gerinda, mesin CNC, area penyimpanan dan instruktur, dan ketercapaian luas secara berurutan yaitu 54,2%, 48,46 %,50 %, 45,44%, 49,99 %, 91,63 %, dan 42,85 %. Kesesuaian sarana praktik dilihat dari penerapan Kurikulum 2013 pada mata pelajaran praktik bubut, frais, gerinda, dan CNC berturut turut mendapat persentase sebesar 63,16 % , 72,73 %, 38,88 %, dan 43,24 %;. Kesesuaian sarana praktik dilihat dari sarana untuk kebutuhan UKK diperoleh hasil ketercapaian standar persyaratan peralatan utama UKK dan standar persyaratan pendukung UKK berturut turut mendapatkan persentase 86,67 % dan 99,33%.

This study aims to determine the suitability of machining practice facilities with infrastructure facilities standards, find out the implementation of the 2013 curriculum with the conditions of practice facilities, and find out the facility standards for UKK (Expertise Competency Test) with the condition of the facilities. This research is quantitative descriptive. Methods of data collection by observation, open interviews, and documentation. The instrument uses a checklist that is used in observations with a rating scale model Rating Scale. The results of the study are the suitability of practical facilities seen from the Ministry of National Education Regulation No. 40 2008 is the percentage of achievement of practical facilities in the work area of benches, lathes, milling machines, grinding machines, CNC machines, storage areas and instructors, and broad achievements in a sequence that is 54.2%, 48.46%, 50%, 45.44%, 49.99%, 91.63% and 42.85%. The suitability of practice facilities is seen from the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in the subject of the practice of lathe, milling, grinding, and CNC respectively getting a percentage of 63.16%, 72.73%, 38.88%, and 43.24%; The suitability of practice facilities seen from the facilities for the needs of the UKK results obtained from the achievement of the standards of the main UKK equipment requirements and the standard requirements supporting UKK respectively get a percentage of 86.67% and 99.33%.


Sarana, Kurikulum 2013, UKK; Facilities, 2013 Curriculum, Expertise Competency Test.

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