Doni Kurniawan, , Indonesia



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan, unjuk kerja, dan tingkat kelayakan trainer kit sensor kamera menggunakan Raspberry Pi sebagai media pembelajaran robotika. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Pengembangan media pembelajaran ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluate) menurut Robert Maribe Branch. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Mekatronika, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) unjuk kerja media pembelajaran sensor kamera menggunakan Raspberry Pi yaitu dapat mendeteksi dan menentukan posisi benda berbentuk lingkaran. Saat benda berada pada posisi 175 < X <= 350 dan 0 < Y <= 120 maka motor servo Dynamixel akan bergerak ke sudut 0˚. Saat benda berada pada posisi 0 < X <= 175 dan 0 < Y <= 120 maka motor servo Dynamixel akan bergerak ke sudut 90˚. Saat benda berada pada posisi 0 < X <= 175 dan 120 < Y <= 240 maka motor servo Dynamixel akan bergerak ke sudut 210˚. Saat benda berada pada posisi 175 < X <= 350 dan 120 < Y <= 240 maka motor servo Dynamixel akan bergerak pada sudut 300˚ hasil penilaian ahli media mencapai nilai rata-rata 75 pada kategori "layak", (2) hasil penilaian ahli materi mencapai nilai rata-rata 65 pada kategori "layak", (3) sedangkan dari uji coba pemakaian oleh mahasiswa, media pembelajaran ini memperoleh nilai rata-rata 55.


Kata kunci: trainer kit sensor kamera, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV



This study aims to determine development,  performance, and appropriateness of Raspberry Pi based camera sensor trainer kit as learning media for robotics course. This study was categorized as a research and development. The development process of the media used ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluate) development model by Robert Maribe Branch. The subjects of the study were Mechatronic Engineering Education students, Yogyakarta State University. This research results can be concluded that: (1) performance of Raspberry Pi based camera sensor trainer kit as learning media for robotics course that can detect and determine the position of a circular object. When the object was at position 175 <X <= 350 and 0 <Y <= 120 then the Dynamixel servo motor will move to the angle 0˚. When the object was at position 0 <X <= 175 and 0 <Y <= 120 then the Dynamixel servo motor will move to angle 90˚. Furthermore, when the object was at position 0 <X <= 175 and 120 <Y <= 240 then the Dynamixel servo motor will move to angle 210˚. Moreover, when the object was at position 175 <X <= 350 and 120 <Y <= 240 then the Dynamixel servo motor will move to angle of 290˚. (2) the result of validation by media expert had reach the average value of 75 and was categorized as "feasible", (3) the result of validation by subject expert had reach the average value of 65 and was categorized as "feasible", (4) Whereas from the process of the trial by the students, the result of the media had reach the average value of 55.


Keywords:  camera sensor trainer kit, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV

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