Susanto Fibriantoro, , Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian ini dirancang untuk: (1) mengetahui seberapa besar Efektivitas menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dan model pembelajaran Teacher Centered pada hasil belajar ranah kognitif, (2) mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran Teacher Centered dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar ranah kognigtif, afektif, dan psikomotor.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Quasi-Experiment. Desain penelitian menggunakan nonequivalent control group design. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI TAV SMK N 1 Blora sebanyak 70 siswa.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) efektivitas menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning pada ranah kognitif mempunyai rerata skor gain sebesar 0,71 termasuk dalam katagori tinggi, sedangkan efektivitas menggunakan model pembelajaran Teacher Centered pada ranah kognitif mempunyai rerata skor gain sebesar 0,48 termasuk dalam katagori sedang, (2) penggunaan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran Teacher Centered. Hal ini dilihat dari perbandingan rerata dan uji t nilai hasil belajar pada 3 ranah. Ditinjau dari rerata, diperoleh ranah kognitif 86,77 berbanding 79,81, ranah afektif 82,55 berbanding 74,86, dan ranah psikomotor 80 berbanding 73,19. Ditinjau dari uji t, diperoleh ranah kognitif thitung dengan ttabel sebesar 3,961>2,00, ranah afektif thitung dengan ttabel sebesar 4,234>2,00, dan ranah psikomotorik thitung dengan ttabel sebesar 3,804>2,00.
Kata kunci: afektif, kognitif, hasil belajar, problem based learning, psikomotor.
This research aims to know: (1) how much is the improvement of the effectiveness of using problem-based learning and teacher-centered method on learning cognitive result, (2) the effectiveness of using problem-based learning method compare by using teacher-centered method to improve learning cognitive result, affective aspect, and psychomotor aspect.
This research was conducted by using Quasi-Experiment approach. This research was designed using non-equivalent control group design. The subjects of this study was 70 students of SMK 1 Blora from class XI Audio Video study program.
The Results of this research are: (1) effectiveness using problem based learning average score gain on cognitive aspect have 0,71 include in the high of category and using teacher centered average score gain on cognitive aspect have 0,48 include in the moderate of category. (2) Using problem-based learning method is more effective to improve the learning result compared to teacher centered method. This result is produced by the average of and t-test within 3 aspects of learning result. Based on average result of cognitive aspect 86,77 equal to 79,81, affective aspect 82,55 equal to 74,86, psychomotor aspect 80 equal to 73,19 . Based on the t-test result of cognitive aspect tcount by ttable is 3,961>2,00, affective aspect tcount by ttable is 4,234>2,00, psychomotor aspect tcount by ttable is 3,804>2,00.
Keywords: affective , cognitive, learning result, problem-based learning, psychomotor.

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