Fera Wati, , Indonesia




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik siswa kelas X program keahlian Teknik Elektronika Industri SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan melalui model problem based learning berbantuan media simulasi zylog z80 simulator IDE. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus. Pengumpulan data kognitif menggunakan instrumen pretest  dan posttest, afektif dan psikomotorik menggunakan lembar observasi. Bentuk model problem based learning ini  terdiri dari 5 tahap.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan. Nilai rata-rata pretest  siklus I sebesar 44 dan persentase siswa lulus 15% meningkat pada posttest siklus II dengan nilai rata–rata 81 dan pesentase siswa lulus 85%. Nilai rata–rata afektif pada pertemuan pertama siklus I sebesar 54,2 dan persentase rata-rata afektif sebesar 67,75% meningkat pada pertemuan dua siklus II dengan nilai rata–rata 78,2 dan rata-rata persentase 97,75%. Nilai psikomotorik pertemuan pertama pada siklus I yaitu 57,5 dan persentase siswa lulus sebesar 0% meningkat pada pertemuan kedua siklus II yaitu dengan nilai rata-rata 83,5 dan persentase kelulusan 100%.

Kata kunci: Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Problem based learning, Teknik Mikroprosessor.




The objective of the research was to improve the cognitive, affective and psychomotor competence of 10th grade students in Industrial Electronics Engineering program in SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan with problem-based learning model that supported by the simulation media of zilog z80 simulator IDE. This research was a classroom action research which conducted in two cycles. Data collection on cognitive competence of the students were collected using pretest and posttest instrument, meanwhile affective and psychomotor aspects of the students were collected using observation sheet. The form of problem-based learning model consist of 5 steps. The results showed an increase. Cognitive value of the learners increased which indicated in the average value of pre-test in first cycle of 44 and 15% students graduating, those were increased in the post-test in second cycle with an average value of 81 and 85% students graduating. Affective value of the learners also showed an increase. The average value of affective in first meeting of the first cycle of 54,2 and an average affective percentage of 67,75% were increased in the second cycle with an average value of 78,2 and a percentage of 97,75%. The average value of psychomotor learners also showed an increase. Value psychomotor in first meeting of the first cycle was 57,5 and the percentage of students graduating at 0% were increased in the second meeting of the second cycle is the average value of 83,5 and 100% passing rate.


Keywords: Classroom action research, Problem-based Learning, Microprocessor Techniques.

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