Ahmad Faishal, , Indonesia




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Memperoleh model e-modul yang tepat untuk pembelajaran pneumatik. (2) Mengetahui fungsionalitas e-modul. (3) Mengetahui kelayakan e-modul tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan dengan tahapan  (1) perencanaan penulisan modul, (2) pengembangan modul, dengan pendekatan waterfall meliputi (a) analysis, (b) design, (c) coding , dan (d) testing. (3) review,uji coba dan revisi, dan (4) finalisasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK N 3 Yogyakarta dengan responden guru dan siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Validitas instrumen dilakukan dengan expert judgment dan reliabilitas dilakukan dengan menggunakan alfa cronbach dengan hasil sebesar 0,91 dan dikatakan sangat reliabel. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) E-modul yang dikemas dalam bentuk multimedia dengan layout berupa frame, gambar berupa realistic visual dengan simbol yang konstan, background biru dengan sifat tenang. (2) Uji  fungsionalitas e-modul meliputi ketepatan proses pemilihan tujuan berdasarkan menu dan ketepatan link sesuai navigasi. (3) Kelayakan aspek materi oleh ahli materi 75% dan guru 81,25 %,  termasuk kategori “Baik”. Kelayakan aspek media oleh ahli media 76%  dan guru 79 % termasuk kategori “Baik” dan siswa 81,28%  termasuk kategori “Sangat Baik”. Kelayakan aspek pembelajaran modul oleh guru 82,57% termasuk kategori “Sangat Baik” dan siswa 78% termasuk kategori “Baik”.

Kata kunci: e-modul, pembelajaran pneumatik




This research aims to: 1 ) received e-module model appropriate for a pneumatic learning ;2) the aware of the functionality of e-module ;3) Knowing the feasibility e-module .The research is research development, divide to: 1) writing planning module; 2) development of module , with the approach waterfall covering ( a ) analysis , ( b ) design , ( c ) coding , and ( d ) testing; 3) the review , the trial and the revision , and; 4) finalization. This study was conducted in SMK N 3 yogyakarta with respondents teachers and students. Data collection was done with documentation and the questionnaire .The validity of an instrument done with expert judgment and reliability an instrument was done using alfa cronbach with the results of as much as 0,91 and is said to very it 's reliable. Data analysis technique done with quantitative descriptive.  The results of this research is: (1) the electronic modules that are packed in the form of multimedia with layouts of the frame , realistic picture of visual , blue background with the nature of calm . (2) the e-modul functionality test the accuracy of the process of covering the election of the purpose of based on the menu and link in accordance with the accuracy of navigation . (3) the feasibility aspect of material by  material experts 75% and teacher 81,25%, including category ”good” . The feasibility of the media aspect by media experts 76% and teachers 79% including category ”good” and students 81,28% are categorized as “very good”.The feasibility of the aspects of learning modules by teachers 82,57% “including category “very good” and by students 78% are categorized as “good” .


Keywords: e-module, pneumatic learning

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