Nur Azmil Khoiroh, Totok Heru Tri Maryadi, , Indonesia



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan metode problem based learning dan media trainer sorting station dibandingkan metode kooperatif tipe talking stick dan media modul operasional PLC pada kompetensi belajar siswa ranah kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan desain pretestposttest non-equivalent control group. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan tes (pretest & posttest) dan non-tes (observasi). Subjek penelitianini yaitu kelas XII Teknik Otomasi Industri pada mata pelajaran Sistem Kontrol Terprogram di SMKN 2 Depok. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan independent sample test berbantuan software SPSS. Hasil uji-t diketahui bahwa metode problem based learning dan media trainer sorting station lebih efektif dibandingkan metode kooperatif tipe talking stick dan media modul operasional PLC ditunjukkan dengan perhitungan P(sig( 2-tailed)) kognitif sebesar 0,000; P (sig.(2-tailed)) afektif sebesar 0,002; dan P (sig. (2-tailed)) psikomotorik sebesar 0,003.

Kata kunci: talking stick, problem based learning, trainer sorting station, modul operasional PLC, Kompetensi.




      This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the use of problem based learning method and trainer sorting station learning media compared with talking stick cooperative type method and PLC operational module on the students’ learning competence of cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric aspects. This research is a quasi experimental research with pretestposttest design of non-equivalent control group. The research instrument are test (pretest & posttest) and non-test (observation). The subject of this research are XII grade students of Industrial Automation Engineering on Programmed Control System subject in SMKN 2 Depok. The hypothesis testing used independent sample test with SPSS software. The result of t-test shows that the problem based learning method and trainer sorting station learning media are more effective than cooperative type method of talking stick and PLC operational module. It is shown by the calculation P (sig.(2-tailed)) with the cognitive aspect of 0,000; P(Sig.(2-tailed) with the affective aspect of 0,002; and P (Sig.(2-tailed) with the psychomotoric aspect of 0,003.


Keywords:  talking stick, problem based learning, sorting station trainer, PLC operational module, competency

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