Inorganic Waste Management In The Yogyakarta Balaikota Complex

Aida Safna Nuraini, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Argo Pambudi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Nowadays, the city of Yogyakarta is faced with a waste emergency, the amount of waste generated every day continues to increase and not all of them are handled. The Balaikota Complex as one of the main administrative areas of Yogyakarta City is also experiencing the same thing, the Yogyakarta City Government is trying to handle waste through waste management. This study aims to examine in more detail and depth through the management functions in inorganic waste management activities in the Balaikota Complex and explain effective and sustainable waste management management. The research method is qualitative descriptive with a research focus to answer research questions, then studied to match findings in the field. The primary data of the research was obtained from the results of observations at the Yogyakarta Balaikota Complex and interviews with Employees of the General and Protocol Section, the Head of  the  Yogyakarta Rapel Warehouse and Collector, and the daily management of the Particular Waste Bank of Balaikota. Secondary data was obtained through literature studies, both scientific journals and official government websites. The validity of the data is carried out through triangulation and technical data analysis is carried out by data collection, data condensation, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification. The results of the study show that inorganic waste management is carried out in accordance with management functions, namely planning, organizing, moving, and supervising. Inorganic waste management is carried out through the provision of waste containers, the establishment of  independent waste management shelters, cooperation with recycling partners, and the implementation of monitoring and evaluation. However, in its implementation, there are still several problems, such as the low quantity of monitoring activities  and recycling industry partners who are constrained internally. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the supervisory function and consider the implementation of public-private cooperation in waste management activities

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