Khanif Wahyu Priyambada, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yati Sugiarti, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research is purposed to describe: (1) Character and Characterization in Kinderroman Herr Der Diebe by Cornelia Funke, (2) setting in Kinderroman Herr Der Diebe by Cornelia Funke, (3) the correlation between characterization and setting in Kinderroman Herr Der Diebe by Cornelia Funke. The research approach used is objective approach. The object of research is Kinderroman Herr Der Diebe published by Oetinger Taschenbuch GmbH in 2015. Data in this research are in words, phrases and sentences in the novel. The result of this research: (1) character and characterization includes: (a) Prosper: serious, daydreamer, sensitive, good in bargaining, worrying, loves his brother, kind, easy gives up, static, typical, and introvert. (b) Scipio: mysterious, fullfill a promise, good in acting, cat lover, smart liar, smart, kind, static, typical, and introvert. (c) Bo: like jumping, like to imagine, stubborn, curious, static, typical, and introvert. (d) Victor: like spitting, speaking alone, swear, camouflage, good in analyzing, animal lover, children care, dynamic, typical, introvert. (e) Barbarossa: arrogant, like stealing, arbitrarily, sly, cannot be trusted, greedy, sycophant, static, complex, introvert. (f) Esther: impolite, bad behaviour, static, typical, introvert. (2) Setting of place indicating the occurrence: alley in Venezia, Basilica San Marco, Marcus field, Scipio’s house, little thief hidding place, Ida’s house, Isola Segreta; Setting of place describing characteristics of the characters: the street in Venezia, hidding place of the little thief, Barbarossa’s Shop, Marcus field, Victor’s house, Ida’s house; Setting place expressing feelings of the characters: hidding place of the little thief, Victor’s house, Scipio’s house, Isola Segreta, Gabrielli Sandwirth, Ida’s house, Ida’s boat; Setting of place indicating the signs: alley in Venezia, Canal in Venezia, Marcus field, Basilica San Marco, Isola Segreta. Setting of time explaining feelings of the characters: eight weeks, morning, afternoon, night, three days, two days, ten minutes, fall season, fifteen years, winter, a half year. Setting of time indicating phase of life of the characters: childhood. (3) Characterization and setting have correlation toward characteristics and professions of the character.

Keyword: The characterization, Setting, Kinderroman.



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