Hendrikus Setyo Adi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yati Sugiarti, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia



This study aimed to describe (1) the element of character and characterization in the Der Vorleser roman by Bernhard Schlink, (2) setting in the Der Vorleser roman by Bernhard Schlink, (3) the relationship between the elements of the characterizations of setting in the Der Vorleser roman by Bernhard Schlink.This research approach is objective approach. The object of this study is roman titled Der Vorleser, published by Diogenes Verlag in 1995. This research data in the form of words, phrases, and sentences in the roman Der Vorleserby Bernhard Schlink.The results of this study are: (1) character and characterization include the following: (a) Michael Berg was a helper, persistent, nerds, deceitful, self-sacrificing, unable to resist the desire, confidence, can not escape the past, and the conception is static, simple, and closed. (b) Hanna Schmitz is the helper person, considerate, gentle, have principle, hardworking, good at keeping secrets, independent, generous, and static, simple, and closed conception. (c) Father introverted person, it does not matter, as well as the conception is static simple, and closed. (d) Gertrud is faithful, deft, clever, and the conception is static, simple, and closed. Background place that allows the occurrence of the event: a house, Bahnhofstrasse, the apartment's kitchen Hanna, basements, bathrooms, Amorbach, home kitchens Michael, Kirchheim, the concentration camp in Auschwitz, Struthof, and Krakow, courtrooms, church, tombs Hanna, cottage ski, prison, New York; Background somewhere that shows the character that is the reading room of the university. Background somewhere that shows the mood: a funeral and Struthof concentration camp; (B) Structure of time shows the mood: a week, the next evening, night, afternoon, all day Thursday, the Easter holiday in April, many years later, the next week; Phase life figures: Michael from teenagers to adults and Hanna as an adult until his death; Background of historical time: the Nazi era. (3) Characterizations and background has related in romance Der Vorleser, the university reading room which shows bookworm character of Michael.

Keyword: Roman, characterization, setting



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