Ely Rusliawati, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia



This research was aimed to described (1) plot, characters, settings, and point of views, (2) relationship between the instrinsic elements in romance children of Erich Kästner “Pünktchen und Anton”.This research was used the objective approach with Reinhard Marquaß structural theory. The resources of this study was the romance children Pünktchen und Anton by Erich Kästner published by Dresslr Verlag GmbH in Hamburg. The data was collected with reading and note-taking technique. The data was analyzed with descriptive qualitative analysis technique. The validity of the data was acquired through semantic validity and consulted to the expert judgement. The reability which is used were intrarater and interrater reability.The result of this study was as followed, (1) the plot of this romance was chronology plot. The characters: Pünktchen (imaginative, helpful, wise, talkative, and intelligent), Anton (responsible, wise, polite, and versatile), Mr. Pogge (merciful, kind, and courage), Miss Andacht (arrogant and irresponsible), Mrs. Pogge (uncare and merciful) Gottfried Klepperbein (cunning and annoying). The settings : the settings was divided into the function which were to show the location (Mr. Pogge’s house, Anton’s house, Weidendamm bridge, Anton’s school, fast-food restaurant, and barbershop), to show the moods (bedroom in Mr. Pogge’s house, the entrance of Anton’s house, the entrance of Mr. Pogge’s house) as the symbol (Anton’s kitchen, Weidendamm bridge, and Charlottenhof Cafe), in this romance does not has to show the characters; the periods show the daily activity (the day, the afternoon, and the night) annual activity (9 April), the main figure’s phase of life (childhood), and there was no historical background. The point of view was used the third-person point of view (er-Erzähler) that was the storyteller know the whole of the story (Auktoriales Erzählverhalten). (2) The relationship between the instrinsic elements: as a structure that affect each other and cannot be separated each other.



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/10.21831/TLv1i1


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