Sasti Puspa Datu Senastri, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yati Sugiarti, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research aims at describing (1) intrinsic elements of literary prose which comprise plot, characterization, and setting in Kinderroman Eliot und Isabella im Finterswald written by Ingo Siegner, (2) the relation among the intrinsic elements, i.e. plot, characterization, and setting in Ingo Siegner’s Kinderroman Eliot und Isabella im Finterswald. The data source of this research was taken from Kinderroman Eliot und Isabella im Finterswald, published by BELTZ & Gelberg in 2016. The data analysis results are as follows: (1) the intrinsic elements analyzed were plot, characterization, and setting. The narrative plot used in the Kinderroman is progressive plot as the author describes the sequence of the story systematically from the exposition (Ausgangssituation), the second phase which is the ability of the characters to recognize the crisis (Verhalten), and the results of the actions (Ergebnis des Verhaltens). The main character is Eliot and the additional main character is Isabella There are also several additional characters such as: Bocky Bockwurst, grandpa Pucki or Nepomuk Gänseklein and Eleonore Windschief. Eliot, the main character, has friendship with Isabella, grandpa Pucki, and Eleonore. Meanwhile, he has contrary relationship with Bocky Bockwurst. Settings of place which can cause incidents are park, forest square (Wurzelwald), grandpa Pucki’s cottage, Finsterwald, and Wurzelwald. Settings of place which can express and describe the feeling in relation with the characters’ experience are Wurzelwald and Finsterwald. Settings of place which can clarify the symbolically expressed conflicts are fox forest and grandpa Pucki’s cottage, while there is no setting of place that can describe the characterization indirectly. Settings of time in a day (morning, day, evening), event in a year (forest festival), main character’s life phase (childhood), and there is no historical setting of time. Furthermore, (2) the relation among those intrinsic elements in Ingo Siegner’s Kinderroman Eliot und Isabella im Finterswald is as a structure which has interaction and cannot be separated one another.


Kinderroman, Structural Review

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