Martin Situmeang, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


    This study aimed to describe (1) the forms of expressive utterances in “Das doppelte Lottchen” and (2) the functions of expressive utterances in “Das doppelte Lottchen”. This study employed  descriptive qualitative approach. The subject of this research is a roman “Das doppelte Lottchen”. The data of this research were in the form of lingual units of the expressive utterances contained in the roman. The data were collected by reading,- and note techniques. The validity of the data were obtained through semantic validity (consulted with experts) and reliability. The data were analyzed by using Metode Padan Referensial. The results of this research showed as follows (1) the forms of the expressive utterances between Lotte and Luise have four forms, they are; direct literal strategy 10 data, indirect literal strategy one data, direct nonliteral strategy three data, and indirect nonliteral strategy one data. The expressive utterances between Lotte and Ludwig Palfy have two forms, they are; direct literal strategy three data, and indirect literal strategy one data. The expressive utterances between Luise and Luiselotte Kӧrner have three forms, they are; direct literal strategy four data, indirect literal strategy two data, and direct nonliteral strategy one data, (2) the functions of the expressive utterances between Lotte and Luise have five functions, they are; to express sympathy two data, joy/happy three data, complaining four data, believing three data, anger three data. The expressive utterances between Lotte and Ludwig Palfy have four functions, they are; to express expectation, thanking, anger, and joy/ happy each of them one data. The expressive utterances between Luise and Luiselotte Kӧrner have five functions, they are; to express complaining two data, sympathy one data, greeting one data, joy/happy two data, and expectation one data. 

Keywords: pragmatic, expressive utterances.

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