Eka Nur Latifah, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Pratomo Widodo, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This study aimed to describe (1) the type of metaphors in Eisblume`s Unter dem Eis and (2) the metaphorical expression meaning in Eisblume`s Unter dem Eis. This research was categorized into qualitative descriptive. The source of this research was all of the songs contained in Eisblume`s Unter dem Eis. The data of the research was the unit lingual which contained metaphor and metaphorical expression meaning in Eisblume`s Unter dem Eis. To collect the data, the researcher used the see technique and record technique. The data validation was done with the test of semantics validity, expert-judgment and also intrarater reliability dan interrater reliability. To analyze the data, the researcher used padan referensial method. The result of this study showed (1) four type of metaphors. They were 24 data of anthropomorphic metaphors, six data of synesthetic metaphors, 45 data of from concret to abstract metaphors and three data of animal metaphor; (2) the four type of metaphors had different metaphorical expression meaning. They were 78 data.

Keywords: metaphor, Unter dem Eis, Eisblume


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