Theodora Beatrix Dasi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Akbar K. Setiawan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The purpose of this research to describe, (1) plots, figurs, backgrounds, and viewpoints, (2) relation between the intrinsic elements in Mirjam Pressler’s “Bitterschokolade”. This research uses an objective approach using structural theories by Reinhard Marquaß. Data source obtaened from Mirjam Pressler’s book “Bitterschokolade” published by Druckhaus Langenscheidt, Berlin. The data were colected through reading and note-taking. The data analysis occupied qualitative technique. The validity of the data obtained through the semantic validity. Reliability intrarater reliability of the data was interrater reliability. The study showed that (1) description of the Groove: initial situation (Aussgangsituation), action (Verhalten), and the result of the Act (Ergebnis des Verhalten). The description figur’s character: Eva (not confident, negative thinking), Michel (independent, helper, humorist), Franziska (loyal friend and cowardly), Mrs. Marianne (understanding and responsibility), Mr. Fritz (hot-blooded man and firm). Description: place the background element occurrences (Gymnasium, living room, kitchen and Freizeitheim River), character figures (Gymnasium, Garden, living room, kitchen, bookstore, clothing store), mood (garden, room Eva, train station), symbols (River). Description setting time: events of the day (morning, afternoon and evening), in a year (July 31, and summer), the phases of the life of the main character: adolescence. The viewpoint of the author to use the third person point of view (er Erzähler), storytellers know the entire content of the story (Auktoriales Erzählverhalten). (2) the Relation between the intrinsic elements: as a structure that influence each other and cannot be separated from each other.

Keywords: novel, structural


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Marquaß, Reinhard. 1997. Duden-Abiturhilfen- Erzählende Prosatexte analysieren. Mannheim: Duden Verlag. Pressler, Mirjam 1992. Bitterschokolade: Leichte Lektüren für Jugendliche. Berlin: Langenscheidt, KG.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/10.21831/TLv1i1


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