Narendra Dewantara, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research has three objectives: (1) explaining the list of krises that have religious aspect, (2) explaining the shapes of the ricikan of the krises containing religious aspects, (3) explaining the religious aspects in RM Ismara Kusumatawa’s krises.

This research used the qualitative method with naturalistic approach. The observation of participation technique, interview, and documentation used to collect the data. The instrument of the research is the researcher himself. He used recorder and camera to collect the data from the informan. The technique used  to analyze the data is inductive method. Meanwhile, to validate the data, the researcher used triangulation methods and triangulation sources.

The result of this research known that, ricikan, dhapur, pamor, and warangka of the krises have religion aspects that connected to javanese proverb Sangkan Paraning Dumadi, Sangkan Paraning Pambudi, and Manunggaling Kawula Gusti.   Kris is not medium to pray to God, but kris is human remainder that live is not far from them God. The purpose of the kris is to remind human to always be close to God.

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