Ani Masfia, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This study aimed to describe the kind of emotional language in drama Nggandul 12 Juni and function use emotional language in drama Nggandhul 12 Juni. This study is based on the assessment of the context. This research is a descriptive research. Data in the form of words, phrases, or sentences that contain the data emosi.Source bases are conversations in the drama Nggandul  12 Juni. His analysis using descriptive analysis. How to collect the data by the method of listening. Analysis of the data in this study by grouping based on the type and function of the use of the language of emotion. The validity of the data using triangulation theory validity and reliability mengginakan reliablitas for stability. The results of this study are: (1) the type of language of emotion fun with function explain my feelings, (2) emotional language to function explain my feelings, affirm, and question, (3) emotional language sad to function describes the feelings of the heart and indicates disappointed, (4) the language of emotional upset with function by function asserts, shows a sense of disappointment, cursing, orders, insulting, insinuating, showing annoyance, advising, (5) emotional language shocked with functionality questions, explain my feelings, and snapped, (6) emotional language embarrassed to explain feelings of the heart function.

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