Arif Widodo, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Event this research to discuss the study inference passage Instagram Filosofi Jawa. This research reveals the type inference passage Instagram Filosofi Jawa and discourse function of inference Instagram Filosofi Jawa. This research are descriptive research. Sources of data used is social media or app Instagram. Data from this research is the discourse of  Instagram Filosofi Jawa. Method of collecting data is by screenshot or screen capture and write. Data done with descriptive analysis. Validity was used expert judgment, and reliability is realibilitas intrarater, held by check or re-check repeated studies. Type inference passage Instagram Filosofi Jawa is to find 7 of inference, namely 1) the political inference, 2) social inference, 3) economic inference, 4) inference culture, 5), inference law and criminality, 6) inference sports excitement, and 7) inference education. The inference function found in WIFJ, in accordance with the data found was as 1) innuendo, 2) criticism, 3) suggestions, and 4) hope.


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