Alfian Anggoro Mukti, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research has three objectives to explain: (1) how to make learning media pop-up book for learning ceremony style wedding Ngayogyakarta for high school students of class XII, (2) quality assessment media pop-up book for learning ceremony style wedding Ngayogyakarta for high school students XII, (3) the advice of teachers and students to the media pop-up book for learning Ngayogyakarta style wedding ceremony for high school students of class XII. This research includes studies Research and Development (R & D). This study is made up of five phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This study media product gets validation of matter experts lecturer and media expert lecturer to get good quality of the media and decent media tested in schools. Experiments done and get the value of the Java language teacher and suggestions from students. The collecting data is by using questionnaires, while the means of data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the media made it past the stage (1) analysis: performed by analysis and analysis of the state of students curriculum; (2) design: done by creating a flowchart and storyboards with the base material that has been collected; (3) development: done by creating a pop-up book using manual techniques and computer engineering, validation lecturer matter experts and media experts, and revision of the product; (4) the implementation: done by testing the product to the class XII students of Senior High School 1 Wonosari; (5) evaluation: performed by measuring the relationship of media with the purpose of the product. Validation matter expert lecturers a percentage 93.33% were classified as Sae Sanget, while validation media expert lecturers a percentage 75.56% in the first stage and 82.22% in the second stage are classified as Sae Sanget. Teacher gives a score with a percentage of 100% were classified as Sae Sanget, while the student opinion a percentage 85.77% were classified as Sarujuk Sanget. Results last a percentage value of 90.33% which indicates that the media learned a pop up book style wedding ceremony Ngayogyakarta could attract and facilitate students when studying wedding ceremonies in learning the Javanese language.

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