Muhammad Mustaghfirin, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


This study describes the language slang used by youth in Klangoan village, Gresik. Matters to be discussed is a slang word, type of slang, slang word formation, and factors affecting the language slang used by youth in Klangoan village. This research is descriptive type of research. The subjects are youth community in Klangoan village, Gresik. This research is a form of slang words, slang word type, slang word formation, and factors that affect language slang. Data was collected using a recording technique, notes, talk, and interviews. Data collection started in June 2016 to July 2016. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The way to confirm how data was valid is by using triangulation stability and reliability. The result of this study found that, among of slang form used in youth of Klangoan village using the base of word. of youth slang village Tiefenbach found between other types of (1) a noun, (2) verb, (3) an adjective, (4) the pronoun, (5) an adverb, and (6) the number of words. The type of word slang formation of  youth slang in Klangoan village include (1) metathesis, (2) and metastasis remuneration syllables, (3) Adjustment of syllables, (4) replacing syllables, and (5) a different meaning. factors affecting language slang among others (1) is used in order to get closer, (2) are used to conceal something, (3) the word is used to smooth the rough or considered taboo, and (4) are used to determine the attitude.

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