Nita Yuniati, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to describe the origin of pilgrimage tradition, the procession of pilgrimage tradition, the symbolic meaning of the offering that used in the pilgrimage tradition also the function of pilgrimage tradition Gunung Lanang’s graveyard in Sindutan village Temon district Kulonprogo regency. This research used qualitative method. The data collection techniques of this research used participatory observation and in-depth interviews. The instrument of this research is the researcher herself by using the tools like camera, recorder, then book and pen as a tools for taking notes. The data analysis technique used was descriptive qualitative method. The technique of examining the data validity in this research is obtained through triangulation. The result of the research showed that: (1) the origin of pilgrimage tradition Gunung Lanang’s graveyard is based on the tradition that the place is a sacred place to practice the poeple religion because it has the magical power. In addition the existing mosque suddenly make people increasingly believe that the place is a shrine or not any place. Therefore, people believe that it is appropriate place to carry out the pilgrimage tradition. (2) Many pilgrims who support this tradition which come from outside area. Community prayer become to invoke God in this place. Who did in this pilgrimage tradition is the caretaker and pilgrims. The procession of pilgrimage tradition is (a) coming to caretaker’s home, (b) preparing offerings, (c) self-cleaning, (d) goes around the Gunung Lanang’s graveyard, (e) penance in Gunung Lanang’s graveyard, then (f) closure. (3) The symbolic meaning of ritual offerings in the pilgrimage tradition is as a means of expression of gratitude to the God so that community supporters always be given safety, peach, health, and the ease in the finding a fortune in life. (4) The function of pilgrimage tradition for its supporting community tradition are (a) Spiritual functions, (b) Sosial functions, (c) conservationist tradition functions.

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