Satya Ardi Yudha, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


The purpose of this research are: (1) to know the community that using susuk, (2) to find out how susuk can entry to the body of the person who uses susuk, (3) to determine the restrictions for people who uses susuk (4) to determine the benefits for people who uses susuk (5) to determine public opinion of Nglegok Subdistrict, Blitar regency about susuk. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data collection technique was done by research of participate, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Device to collect data is camera, hp, and field notes. The data was validated by a triangulation method and triangulation of sources, while the data analysis was done through the analysis inductive technique. The results of the research are: (1) people who uses susuk are from every age, (2) the procession for entry susuk is using ubarampe, sekar telon wangi and using magic formula but this process could not to think of common sense. The procession was divided into three parts: (a) procession before put in susuk, (b) the procession when put in susuk, (c) the procession after put in susuk. (3) Prohibition for use susuk are four types: (a) prohibition for three days, (b) prohibition for  a week, (c) prohibition for the longest of life, (d) there is no prohibition. (4) The benefits of susuk are: (a) for  a treatment, (b) for strength, (c) for affection, (5) public opinion are taken from five categories: (a) Religious leader of Islam, (b) Religious leader of Christian, (c) religious leader of Catholic, (d) cultural, (e) community of susuk.Keywords : susuk, procession, prohibition


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