Prawida Nuraeni Basuki, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


The purpose of this study are: (1) to explain the development stages of Javanese puppet learning media using android based mobile learning application for high school 10th graders; (2) to explain the quality of Javanese puppet learning media using android based mobile learning application for high school 10th graders by material expert lecturer and media expert lecturer; (3) to explain the opinion of Javanese language teachers and students of Javanese puppet learning media using android based mobile learning application for high school 10th graders about material and product interface.

This study is categorized as Research and Development (R&D) study. The stages are analysis, development, implementation, and evaluation. This media product was evaluated by material expert lecturer and media expert lecturer using validation with the result as qualified media to get tested at school. After the media was qualified, then it was reviewed by Javanese language teacher and got tested to high school 10th graders. The method of gathering the data was using questionnaire. The method of the data analysis was using descriptive analysis.

The result of the study shows that there are five stages of the media development. The first stage is curriculum and students’ need analysis, and interview with Javanese language teachers. Stage two is developing the media by gathering references and creating flowchart and storyboard. The next stage is requesting validation from material expert lecturer and media expert lecturer until confirmed as a qualified media to get tested at school. The fourth stage is conducting the media testing at school. The last stage is learning media evaluation. The media quality score from material expert lecturer in percentage average is 84,5% which is referred as very good. The media quality score from media expert lecturer is 94% in percentage average which is also referred as very good. Whereas the opinion of the Javanese language teachers about the concept and competence appropriateness and media interface quality is 92% in percentage average which is categorized as very good. The result of the questionnaires from the students about Javanese puppet learning media using android based mobile learning application says that the media is highly appealing for students, the material is appropriate and goes with the curriculum, it makes the students learn more independently about Javanese puppet learning, and also makes the students understand easily about the material.


Keywords: media learning, Javanese puppet, mobile learning, android

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