Nurul Fitrianingtyas, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


This study discusses the traditional game by Komunitas Anak Bawang (KAB)in Surakarta. This study explains the problems of the origin of Komunitas Anak Bawang (KAB)in preserving the traditional game, the running Komunitas Anak Bawang (KAB)in preserving dolanan traditional, procedures of traditional games by Komunitas Anak Bawang (KAB), and the importance of traditional games for children -children today.

This study was a qualitative research. Sources of data obtained from non-human sources and human sources. How to collect data such as by direct observation does not participate, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis using inductive data analysis of the data record field observations, field notes interviews, and documentation. To explain the problem, in this study researchers determined the informant to conduct interviews using a snowballing technique. The results of this study explained that the origin of the Komunitas Anak Bawang (KAB) was founded by students majoring in Psychology UNS as a facilitator in preserving the traditional games to children today. The traditional games that were preserved by the Komunitas Anak Bawang (KAB)) are not all Javanese traditional game preserved, so that researchers can share traditional games that are often used by the Komunitas Anak Bawang (KAB) by way of classification. The traditional games are often used, among others, dhakon, engklek, lompat tali, banyak, egrang, malingan,andgangsing. The procedure for traditional games by Komunitas Anak Bawang (KAB)is the same as the other Javanese traditional game. In the traditional game contained benefits for children in contemporary times such as: (1) improve balance and estimates, (2) a sense of adherence to the rules, (3) train capable of arithmetic, (4) train the skills of thinking, (5 ) train stubborn, (6) the nature of honesty and sportsmanship, saha (7) pleasure. Thus the traditional game needs to be preserved so that the benefits can be useful for children in contemporary times.


Keyword : The traditional game, Komunitas Anak Bawang (KAB)

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