KEKERABATAN BASA JAWI SAHA BASA SUNDA (Adhedhasar Bausastra Jawa saha Kamus Basa Sunda)

Dina Rizqi Kamala, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY


            This study describes the kinship of Java language and the Sunda language based on Javanese Bausastra and Sunda Dictionary. The kinship of the both languages can be seen from the corresponding words between Javanese and Sundanese and percentage.

            This study is a descriptive study. data used are 200 Morrish Swadesh’s basic vocabulary. The source of data in this study are Java dictionary essay namely S. Prawiroatmojo and Sunda-Indonesia Dictionary essay namely Maman Sumantri, et. al. This study uses an analysis of comparative historical linguistics. Data collection technique in this study was by using reading and noting technique. The data analysis uses descriptive way of explaining the correspondence of sounds and meanings as well as calculate the percentage of words that correspond. The validity of the data used is the validity of the triangulation theory, meanwhile the reliability used is the stability reliability.

            The results of this study is formed the sound and meaning correspondence along with the kinship of Javanese and Sundanese percentage. The form of the correspondence relates to vowels and consonants phonemes. Vowel phoneme correspondence are phoneme /i/ ~ /é/, and /i/; phoneme /u/ ~ /o/, and /u/; phoneme /e/ ~ /e/; phoneme /ɛ/ ~ /é/; phoneme /ǝ/ ~ /õ/, /é/, /a/ and /i/; phoneme /a/ ~ /o/ and /é/; phoneme /ͻ/ ~ /a/, /o/; phoneme /o/ ~ /i/. The form of vowel phonemes added are /i/, /a/ and /e/. The form of vowel phonemes disappearance are /a/ and /ә/. The form of consonant phoneme correspondence are /w/ ~ /b/; phoneme /l/ ~ /p/, /b/; phoneme /g/ ~ /k/; phoneme /r/ ~ /d/; phoneme /k/ ~ /t/, /?/; phoneme /b/ ~ /w/; phoneme /s/ ~ /h/; phoneme /g/ ~ /s/; phoneme /t/ ~ /l/, /n/; phonem /d/ ~ /d/. The form of consonant phonemes added are /h/, /p/, and /w/. The form of consonant phonemes disappearance are /r/, /p/, /y/ saha /t/. The form of nasal phonemes added are /m/ saha /n/. The form of nasal phoneme disappearance are /m/, /ŋ/ and /ñ/. The distribution corresponding phonemes are at the beginning of words, the beginning of the second syllable, middle of the first syllable, middle of the second

syllable, ending the first syllable, ending the second syllable, the third syllable endings,middle of the word, and the endings of words. Sound’s changes in this study are metatesis, aferesis, syncope, protesis, and paragog. The kinship percentage of Java and Sunda language is found as much as 69% (138 words) of 200 Morris Swadesh’s basic vocabulary. Therefore, the percentage of them are family category.


Keywords: kinship, correspondence, Java language, and the Sunda language.        

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