Agung Kurniadi, Prodi Pend. Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


               This research is conducted  to describe the history of the tradition, the procession tradition, the symbolic meaning of the offerings and the benefits of doing the tradition of pilgrimage at the tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran.This research uses qualitative research. How to collect data in this study using participant observation (participatory observation) and in depth interviews. This research tool is the researchers themselves with the help of other supporting equipment. The way the data analyzed in this study were inductive analysis techniques. How to validate the data by means of triangulation and triangulation methods. The results of this research indicate: (1) the history of this tradition came from the tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran moved by Sultan Agung of the mosque in Golo Banyubiru to Mount Cakrakembang. Community support is also believed that Sunan Pandan Aran is the mayor who spread the religion of Islam and to the loved ones of God, for the pilgrimage at the tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran can be a blessing to the community member supporters; (2) the process of tradition is divided into two: (a) the first pilgrimage, a pilgrimage which use such offerings of flowers, incense and genthong sinaga waters. Process  first pilgrimage started from buying a ticket, entrusts shoes, move the flowers into the tray, speaking to Jurukunci, burn incense, laying flowers at the grave of Sunan Pandan Aran, take genthong sinaga waters and (b) second pilgrimage, a pilgrimage that does not use the offering the pilgrim process, the process starts from buying a ticket , entrusts shoes, register and read the tahlil at the tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran . Differences first pilgrimage and second pilgrimage is a first pilgrimage brought flowers and incense, see the next Jurukunci take sinaga genthong waters, whereas second pilgrimage did not bring flowers and incense, do not meet Jurukunci and do not take genthong sinaga waters; (3) the symbolic meaning of offerings that can be used to replace tadisi process and become the destination of pilgrims who carry out the tradition in order to get a blessing from God through pilgrimage at the tomb of Sunan Pandan Aran; (4) the benefits to the community tradition of supporting and regions: ( a) the benefits of preserving the culture; (b) spiritual benefit and (c) economic benefits.

 Keywords: tradition, pilgrimage and Sunan Pandan Aran.

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