Maya Amelia, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research aims to describe the history of Upacara Adat Sadranan in Hutan Adat Wonosadi, its ceremony processes, the symbolic meaning and the benefits gained from the ceremony for the villagers of Sidorejo Village. This research used cultural quantitative method. The researcher used interview, observation and documentation in collecting the data. The analysis of the data used inductive analysis technique. Meanwhile, to valid the data, the researcher used triangulasi technique and source. The result of the research were : (1) the history of Upacara Adat Sadranan which was started in XVIII century, annually after the harvest, in every Senen Legi or Kamis Legi. The purpose of the ceremony is to express their gratitude to God and to respect their ancestor named Ki Onggocolo who brought welfare to Sidorejo Village.  (2) There are five processes in holding the ceremony which are making sacrificial offerings, cleaning Sendang Duren together, holding the ceremony in Sendang Duren, holding the ceremony in Hutan Adat Wonosadi and art performing of Gejog Lesung. (3) the symbolic meaning of Upacara Adat Sadranan is to ask for welfare of their village to their ancestors. (4) The benefits of this ceremony are to preserve their Javanese culture, to improve the socialization among the villagers, to ask for welfare for Sidorejo Village to God and to make the villagers learn about the history of Upacara Adat Sadranan and the art performance of Gejog Lesung.

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